
Last soul incarnation
Last soul incarnation

last soul incarnation

These experiences are what inspires us to become more conscious. We know that in each life we will probably spend several decades not remembering who we are not remembering our eternal Home. We keep doing it precisely because we want to come to terms with it. We incarnate because we want to and we choose to. Human existence is not a prison or a wheelhouse of torture from which only the most worthy gain liberation. The end of reincarnation is not some sort of reward for good behavior. The purpose of ascension is not to escape from the densified physical plane despite what many teach. These might be signs but it isn’t how it really works. I occasionally meet people who are convinced that they must now be in their final incarnation simply because they are so “spiritually enlightened” and have no attachment for the physical world. This is the final stage in the thirty-five steps of reincarnation. The soul then undergoes the whole sequence of development as an Old Soul one life at a time until finally it reaches Seventh Level. So after completing the 7th level of the Mature Soul Stage the soul begins its next life as a First Level Old Soul. There are seven levels to every stage of soul evolution, including this one. The Completion of Our Reincarnation Cycle Passing along the wisdom to those that are ascending too. Towards the end of the stage there is more of an emphasis on teaching rather than simply learning. The soul is not interested in success or fame so much as doing something it is passionate about and does well and finding inner satisfaction. This could be found in relationships or an enriching career or perhaps athletics etc. It will seek experiences which provide personal fulfilment within life on the physical plane to actualize this deepening. To begin this stage of ascension the soul will tend to focus on true self-expression and self-actualization. A beautiful and completely realized Soul. A bright and distinctive star in the evening sky. It means that the soul completes its adventure as a unique individual. The end of the reincarnation process or “ascension” does not mean fading out of personal existence or dissolving into nothingness.

last soul incarnation

This return to unity does not involve any loss of individuality.

last soul incarnation

The journey of return to unity and the final end of reincarnation. Souls undergoing the fifth and final stage of reincarnation are at last are ready for the final leg of the journey.

Last soul incarnation